Sector: Education

The education sector is divided into Formal education, Education infrastructure, and Education technology subsectors. It includes education institutions that are profit-seeking and generate revenue from student fees, as well as creators, providers, and distributors of education infrastructure and education technology. At the primary and secondary levels, this includes mostly education management organizations (EMOs) and some businesses. At the tertiary (or higher) level, services are delivered on a full-time, part-time, distance-learning, and occasional basis across establishments such as junior colleges, business and secretarial schools, colleges, universities, and professional schools including medical, pharmaceutical, and veterinary programs. An increasing number of students in for-profit universities take courses online.

Investment in Vocational Training Certification Programs

Formal Education

Expected Impact

Vocational training services will develop essential skills among the Turkish workforce and promote wider access to the labor market through increased skills documentation.

Indicative Return
More than 25%

Investment Timeframe
Short Term (0–5 years)

Affordable Private Schools for Low and Middle Income Groups

Formal Education

Expected Impact

This IOA will accomodate the demand for affordable high-quality education services, contributing positively to education outcomes in the country

Indicative Return
More than 25%

Investment Timeframe
Medium Term (5–10 years)

Market Size